Prices at the office unless otherwise noted below:
$80/60 minutes $120/90 minutes
Head Neck and Shoulder 30 minutes $40
In home massages available. Inquire for pricing.
Credit cards and Berkshares accepted

Massage has so many benefits. It relieves aches and pains in muscles, helps with chronic pain, promotes circulation, lowers blood pressure, and can help give some relief to everyday stress. It can be a place to unwind so you can better meet the demands of you life with greater vitality and peace.
A woman's body changes so much to accomodate the growing baby.
Massage can help to relieve some of the aches and pains that happen in the body during pregnancy. It also helps settle some the emotions and stress that occur during the childbearing year . Postpartum massage after the baby is born is a wonderful way to integrate the birth process and help you body unwind from the birth and the demands of mothering a newborn.
In home massage is available for postpartum massage.
Special: If you have three massages during your pregnancy,
there is no extra charge for an in home postpartum massage
Bodywork Sessions incorporate:
-Swedish Massage - Deep Tissue massage - Myofascial Release - Neuromuscular Therapy-
Positional Therapy-Craniosacral Therapy
Prenatal & Postpartum Massage
Massage during pregnancy
and after the baby is born.